Basic Netball Rules

Basic Netball Rules

1. You are not allowed to travel with the ball

2. There are only 7 players on the court from each team at all times unless a player has been removed from play by a referee.

3. You are not allowed to snatch or hit the ball out of a player's hands. This is known as contact. You have to stand behind or next to the player until the ball has left their hands.

4. When defending the ball you must stand at least 3 feet away from the person with the ball.

5. Players are not allowed to hold the ball for more than 3 seconds. This includes throwing it in the air for you to catch it again or you bouncing the ball.

6. Players are not allowed to move into areas that they are not designated to be in.

7. When the defense in the circle by the referee they are to stand beside the shooter. The shooter then has the decision of shooting the ball or passing the ball.

8. When the ball goes out of court the team who last touched the ball hands the ball over to the opposing team. They have 3 seconds to stand outside of the court at the line where it went out and pass the ball.
Basic Netball Rules Basic Netball Rules Reviewed by Unknown on 7:32 PM Rating: 5

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